Monday, March 19, 2012

Bad and good aids for the handicapped

When I was living in Burrowes Hall, the elevators kept breaking down and for people on wheel chairs that was a problem because they couldn't get to their floor.  The side walk near the science building has blocks or pieces that are missing, which makes mobility for wheel chairs and scooters.

The crosswalk at Millersville University not only shows the signal for crossing, but also yells when to cross; this is good for people with hearing problems.  In the Doctor Building, the bathrooms have a shower with sitting and bars for people on wheel chairs and arthritis.  The signs on the bathroom door are lower for the handicapped to see better.  The are sliding refrigerated doors and the food, drink, and cup shelves in Hess are low for everyone to reach.  The bathrooms in the Park City Mall are big and wide to allow wheel chairs to go in.  The handicapped signs at Millersville University dorm and building parking are close to the entrances.  The Fire Hall and the SMC have ramps at the entrances and inside the buildings. 

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