Monday, March 19, 2012

Bad and good aids for the handicapped

When I was living in Burrowes Hall, the elevators kept breaking down and for people on wheel chairs that was a problem because they couldn't get to their floor.  The side walk near the science building has blocks or pieces that are missing, which makes mobility for wheel chairs and scooters.

The crosswalk at Millersville University not only shows the signal for crossing, but also yells when to cross; this is good for people with hearing problems.  In the Doctor Building, the bathrooms have a shower with sitting and bars for people on wheel chairs and arthritis.  The signs on the bathroom door are lower for the handicapped to see better.  The are sliding refrigerated doors and the food, drink, and cup shelves in Hess are low for everyone to reach.  The bathrooms in the Park City Mall are big and wide to allow wheel chairs to go in.  The handicapped signs at Millersville University dorm and building parking are close to the entrances.  The Fire Hall and the SMC have ramps at the entrances and inside the buildings. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Aids for the Handicapped

There are many new developments to aid the handicapped (the blind, obese, disabled, etc.).  Some of these aids for the handicapped included shower chairs, slide-in hand dryers, curtains instead of regular doors in bathrooms, wheel chairs, scooters, phones and computers with big number buttons, etc.  Here are some pictures of aids for the handicapped:

Sliding doors can help people on wheel chairs, scooters, and crutches because you can just slide the door to get what you need with less pressure on the hands.  In stores like Hess gas station, the food, drinks, and cup shelves are set to lower levels to allow children, people on wheel chairs, scooters, crutches, and drawfs to reach the contents.  Wheel chairs and scooters give mobility to people who are injured, paralyzed, obese, etc.  In the Millersville University Art Building, there is a bathroom stall with a shower curtain instead of a regular door to provide easy in and out access for the handicapped and to prevent injury to people who are exiting the bathroom.  Shower chairs or specialized bathrooms allow individuals with disabilities, joint injuries, recovery from survey for easy in and out access along with therapy aids.  Bigger buttons on computer keyboards and phone pads allow people who can see well, the elderly, and the disabled to see the numbers and letters. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Change my question for Mapping Project

Question:  How much it cost to make this bracelet?

How I in cooperate space and color in my project?

With my project, it in-cooperates commotion and order like Kellom Tomlinson's The Art of Dancing and Italo Calvino's Cosmicomics.  My project is showing the individual parts of the bracelet and the order and placement of how they going together.  The map is also showing which type of bead is the most expensive.  Like the dance diagrams, my project is showing the steps to make the bracelet, the materials needed, and the total cost.
I in-cooperated color as a label (as Paul Klee's and Oliver Byrne states) and to imitate reality.  I am using color as a label because there are two crystal beads that are used, but are different colors and are in different places.  So I added color to my beads to show the difference in color and size.  Also the colors are just like the real things (color as representation).    There is also harmony of color because the colors go along with the bracelet.

Final Map for Mapping Project

How you in-cooperate color, narrative space and time in this project?
I used color to distinguish between the two different colored crystal beads (serves as a label) and to go along with the color of the bracelet.  I also in-cooperated space by making sure the bracelet backbone and the actual bracelet are the same size and shape; so the audience can in their own way put all the pieces together (like you do when looking at the diagrams in an anatomy book).  My space was based on a similar format like an anatomy book (dealing with the different systems in the body), but in this can the different parts of the bracelet.  Time was in-cooperated through the education at the bottom to show how the time to make the bracelet and the cost of the materials go together.