Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Flash project in progress

I have converted my images to .gif documents and I am now using Flash to create my interactive project.

Here are also my finished bacteria images:
individual S. aureus


Here are the parts of my title:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bacteria (S. aureus) parts


Cell wall

Cell Membrane



TSST toxin 1

TSST toxin 2

TSST toxin 3

April 18th and April 23th images of the human body

Body Outline

Digestive system



arm and leg muscles





I am starting to learn how to use flash to make my project interactive.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Final Project Proposal

Final Project

S. aureus vs. The Human Body

Goals & Objectives:
My goal for this project is map out the features of the pathogenic bacterium known as Staphylococcus aureus and how this bacterium effects the human body when inside.  Staphylococcus aureus is a spherical, gram positive bacterium that occurs in grape-like clusters.  Staphylococcus aureus is from the genus Staphylococci.  Staphylococcus aureus is well known human pathogen for causing the disease called toxic shock syndrome.  Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is caused by the causative agent exotoxin TSST-1.  The signs of TSS are high fever, low blood pressure, malaise, confusion, stupor, coma, and multiple organ failure. 

My goal for this project is to create an interactive infographic that indicates what Staphylococcus aureus is, the disease this bacterium causes (TSS), and how toxic shock syndrome (TSS) affects the human body.  I want to make it interactive not only to make it fun, but also easy to follow and understand the information.

My main objective for this project is to learn how to make an interactive infographic design.  I am good at understand data, drawing the subjects, using Photoshop, Illustration, and In Design software, but I don’t know how to make information interactive or animated.  My second objective is to create an infographic that is functional.

Source Data:
My main source of data for this project will be from the book:
·         Todar’s Online Textbook of Bacteriology

I want to create an interactive infographic map display that when you hit a certain button, certain information about Staphylococcus aureus will appear.  If I can’t make an interactive display, I will make a printable map, like we did for the map assignment.

The primary audiences for this project will be students will are taking Microbiology class.  The infographic can be also used in my Immunology class (BIOL 454.01) because it deals with how bacteria affect the human body.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Topic for final project

For my final project, I would like to do a mapping of the immunity agents that attack certain parts of a bacterium.  I will take what I have learned from my immunology class as my source of data.

Three Signs Redone

1. lunar eclipse
2. slow traffic
3. voter apathy